Trial Campo Canavese

17/18 Mai 2014


Here now some fotos and clips linked to my youtoube channel HondaPat. Click on the links and enjoy it.

Sabado 17 Maio

Carlo on the Honda Fraser, great sound. Bike is for sale! Walter Frei in Zona 2
Ossa in action Fabio Minuzzo on a Honda TLR 200 with injection zona 2
Sabino Gillardini on a Gilera Pre 65 Walter Frei finds grip with body leaning
Fabio on the difficult rock zona 3 Sabino lifts the front of his Gilera
Walti in an easy zona, but still needs concentration Sabino is powering to the end of zona 3
Fabio nel bosco zona 4 Fabio on the rocks zona 5
Sabino in the little river zona 6 Walter powers the BSA up the hill
Sabino in zona 9 Sabino at the river zona 10
Fabio in the last zona 10 of  Saturday  

After this great day a nice evening was waiting, with lots of beer, wine an good chats with friends in the hills behind Torino.


Sunday 18 May

Another great day with sunshine and warm weather. Today same zonas, but with a new loop on an alp, where we got panini and drinks.

Walter end of hill zona 3 Sabino on the slippery rock
Fabio finds grip Ralph at zona 5 in the sun
Bernhard at zona 5 Edy Kämpfer on Triumph Twin
Michael Ernst im Bach  
nice green Kawasaki KT 250 Great sound of the Twin, Edy Kämpfer on the 130kg dinosaur
Bultaco in trouble Part 2 this zona was slippery and needed a precise throttle hand
which Senor Martinez prooved possible with zero! 4 stroke... Fabrizio is attacking the slipper river rocks
Walter ist fighting for grip on his BSA on his Cota 242
a great rider on a great Fantic, Davide Zona 7
Fabrizio in zona 7 Sabino on Gilera
Martinez on the rocks Davide powers the Fantic over the rocks
Fabio in perfect balance Walter on BSA
Sabino in the gras  


The last clips are at the last zona in the mountains, 11 with many rocks in the wood, then above the wood sea level on the alp about 1700m

Ralph Görlich on the Yamaha Power Lady Vanessa
Eric in trouble mountain trialer Carlos on the TY 125 Yamaha
a Pre65 Motobécane Spanish campeon Martinez
Bultaco with perfect body leaning Walter Rock'n Roll
Bultaco high up in the mountains Tiger Cup
Michele Eric in trouble

I hope you liked it. 6 months of delay, but a great memory.

Patrick, January 2015